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ab 100 EUR Warenwert kostenfreier Versand nach Deutschland und Österreich

Become an accomplice | B2B

Caffeehaus | Lana

Caffeebar | Prad

points of sale | B2C

Washed coffee

Unlike sun-drying, further processing of wet-processed coffee should take place within 8 hours of harvesting, otherwise the fermentation process will begin.

For wet processing, a so-called wet mill is used, which consists of different machines.

During mechanical processing, the cherries are first placed in a depulper station (pulp is English for pulp), where the outer skin and pulp are squeezed off. This station is also called a wet mill.

After pulping, there is still a slimy pectin layer around the bean, the mucilage. In the next step, this is separated from the bean mechanically and with the addition of water, by the mucilage remover. The beans then travel with the water flow into a concrete water tank. The

Beans are left under water overnight so that the remaining mucilage comes off. The beans are also sorted out in the water tank: the good beans sink to the bottom. The so-called floaters, beans that are too light, float to the top.
